The Wellbeing Alphabet_El Abecedario del Bienestar 27.11.21
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All about wellbeing feedback pdf The Wellbeing Alphabet: exploring wellbeing in English and Latin American contexts – read about our bi-lingual support for children and families from Central America with experience of the asylum and refugee process El abecedario del bienestar: explorando el bienestar en el context de Inglaterra y de America Latina: lea sobre […]
Hello! Sorry for the lack of posts we’ve had an incredibly busy year! The Wellbeing Alphabet sessions have reached over 90 children and our secondary school wellbeing programmes are making huge impacts! We are working with an education researcher on evaluation and also heading overseas soon with our English / Spanish wellbeing programme ‘El alfabeto […]
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This week has been emotional- lots of tears of joy! We had our first Wellbeing Alphabet parent open days in primary and secondary school. With students almost half way through the programme, parents & teachers have fed back that it is changing lives! Young people who once lacked confidence in expressing themselves, now able to […]
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We are having a wonderful start of term teaching The Wellbeing Alphabet. Delighted with our new Year 1 ‘A for able’ happy children! How do you feel when you are able to do something?!
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Delighted that The Wellbeing Alphabet features in the primary times magazine this month and we have created a brand new column in the A-Z listings ’emotional wellbeing’! #emotionalwellbeing #education
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I am absolutely delighted to announce that La Linguistica are hosting an exclusive international launch of The Wellbeing Alphabet™ to British Schools overseas next week, in Athens, Greece! This is followed by an exhibition at the COBIS – Council of British International Schools Early Years Conference at Byron College, Athens- Bringing child wellbeing to […]
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I am delighted to share the news that my son has been identified and selected for a gifted and talented programme for highly academically able children. Scoring above national average in various assessments, I always knew his ability when he started reading books as a toddler, and completing maths equations or suggesting scientific experiments at […]
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Thank you for The Wellbeing Alphabet™. Please have a look through the site to learn about a new unique approach to teaching positive emotional wellbeing! Privacy statement: All rights reserved. All content and images on this site are the copyright ©2016 of La Linguistica LTD. Copying is prohibited.
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