
Teaching programme

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How is The Wellbeing Alphabet™ relevant to schools?

Schools in England, and many nations, have a statutory duty to promote and safeguard the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils (for example through the national curriculum, The Education Action 2002, Academies act 2010, Ofsted requirements and DfE guidance for British Schools Overseas).

The relationships and health aspects of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education will be compulsory in all schools from 2020.

Teaching Programme and Consultation

The Wellbeing Alphabet™ explores emotional literacy through film, discussion, arts and crafts. Each wellbeing word has a child-friendly explanation. For example:

Aa for able.  Able is when you are able to do something, you can do it!”

The Wellbeing Alphabet™ is most appropriate for children aged six to nine, and can be taught by parents, teachers and professionals. The Wellbeing Alphabet™ is designed for easy implementation and teaching resources and training are integral to the programme.

The  Wellbeing Alphabet™ was developed in consultation with children, parents, schools and professionals including: